august, 2019

Event Details
Event Information If you register and are unable to attend, cancel your reservation here.
Event Details
Event Information
If you register and are unable to attend, cancel your reservation here.
Learn more about cargo theft and regional issues surrounding these crimes. This event is being offered to attendees free of charge. Space is limited to the first 200 registrations. The cutoff date to register is August 9, 2019.
Who Should Attend
- Law Enforcement Administrators and Investigators
- Regional Cargo Theft Task Force Members
- Insurance Industry Personnel
- Government Security Professionals
- Transportation/Logistics Personnel
- Manufacturer Personnel
- Distributor Personnel
Sponsor Information
Sponsorship opportunities are available. If you’re interested, please contact NICB Special Agent Doreen Sanchez at 626.712.9176
Venue Information
Embassy Suites by Hilton
211 East Huntington Drive
Arcadia, CA 91006
United States
Registration beings at 7 a.m. in the lobby outside of the Embassy Suites Ballroom. Lunch will be provided on Tuesday.
Hotel Information
NICB has reserved a block of rooms at the Embassy Suites. The special room rate is $155 per night plus tax. To get this rate, reservations must be made by Monday, August 12, 2019.
Reserve Room
Please note, the arrival date will default to August 26 and the departure default is August 29, unless modified. Arrival and departure dates can be adjusted to any dates within the three-day time frame. A credit card will be required to compete the reservation but will not be charged until checkout.
Reservations can also be made over the phone at 800.EMBASSY or 626.445.8525 opt. 1 (reference NICB group rate code XNI when calling).
For Additional Information
Chris Mendez, Supervisory Special Agent
National Insurance Crime Bureau | 714.225.1289
Doreen Sanchez, Special Agent
National Insurance Crime Bureau | 626.712.9176
august 27 (Tuesday) - 28 (Wednesday)