As a parent, I have had to accept that no matter how many times I tell my children not to do something because it will hurt them, you sometimes just have to accept that they have to learn by their own mistakes. As a business owner you do not have that benefit of learning by your mistakes. Selective listening makes for poor decision making and bad business decisions.
Be proactive and learn from the mistakes of others. A little bit of information can help you to make better decisions. By not learning from others mistakes, especially in the transportation industry you are sadly destined to fail. You need proven…real-live… time tested systems as your stepping stones for a successful business plan and a rewarding business.
From a personal standpoint, milestones and goals are not reached with dogmatic views, ultra-massive egos, or just being impressionable. Whatever the reason, by not having job-satisfaction, makes whatever you’re doing work. Some people spend more time trying not to work, instead of just doing the damn job.
Don’t procrastinate! Plan and execute!
That’s why “Business Plans” are like Global Positioning System, “GPS.” The right navigator serves as “Your” guide to reach both your milestones and goals. Not knowing how to get started with a transportation career is filled with many possibilities and bad choices. You need to go to one of the best “Central Locations” filled with all of the information about the industry, the option to network and chat with trained transportation professionals… and
Please surf to “DARE TO COMPARE” for complete transportation services and support, please surf; an inter-active Transportation Platform built with public information and information from a team with over 50 years of transportation expereience. Please surf, a comprehensive website that includes that beginning of a newly designed refresher training course for Carriers…Brokers…Shippers…and Freight Forwarders.