Stress release, and my way to re-think challenges!

Stress release, and my way to re-think challenges!

For many years I’ve found stress releases that really work for me.  They keep me sane in an insane world.  I know that everyone has “Their own 911”, and may not have that listening ear of an individual to survive a situation before it becomes a crisis.

I’m sharing what works for me so here are no personal guarantees.  Many people say to go to your beer place.  I do by repeating the phrase:

Marold O…….Marold O…….Marold O…….

This is when a little light goes off in my head that reintroduces every step I’ve gone through, and what could I have done differencehe tool of thinking goes  off.  I search for a better approach to the situation before it becomes a problem.

Failure is not an option, so I never give up.  I keep trying because there are so many resources available, and people are just waiting to hear from you, i.e. Small Business Association, the Eight (8) Alpha Program creating opportunities in qualifying for federal contract with the General Service Administration (GSA) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

If you don’t know how to fill out the forms or application contact my firm at 850.433.2204 to speak with one of our  qualified consultants to assist you in any endeavor that involves transportation.  TFS makes it happen every time.  You must learn that the resources are available to meet all of your transportation needs.

Post by Alyson Stasek

I am the main admin for If you have any questions please message me directly here on eTruckBook or via email Thanks and welcome to eTruckBook! Alyson

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